
Energy Efficient Heating Units Installation, Repair and Preventive Maintenance to Save You Time and Money

We all deserve a great start to the day. Enjoying a hot water shower improves circulation and will help you get ready for the day in a good mood. Calling our experts at Gonzalez Heating and A/C Inc. in Antioch, CA, has several benefits for you. Not having to wait longer to get your water heaters installed or repaired and getting high-quality maintenance on time is cost and time effective.

We install heaters according to your needs considering the type of heating units suitable for your house, apartment, or business to determine the unit's size, capacity, and energy efficiency.

Water Heaters Tank 

Wall Heaters. 

Heat Pump System

Gonzalez Heating and A/C Inc. provides maintenance after the first year of use to units that we install to prevent possible issues after the 12 months of usage.

We care about the functionality of your heating units, so regardless of who installed them, we will always check that all the components of the equipment are working as they are supposed to, preventing major issues in the future, and avoiding having to call for an additional repair and invest more money unnecessarily. 

You can rely on us to properly diagnose unit replacement. We are trained to determine when to repair and when it is more convenient to replace the heating units, saving you time and money.

You can count on us for quality heating system installation. Call us today at 925-978-4600.

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